The exhaustive list of topics in Chemical bonding and group theory in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Quantum Chemistry and Chemical Bonding
- Born-Oppenheimer approximation.
- Approximation methods for molecular quantum chemistry; Non-degenerate and degenerate perturbation theory and variational principle; Examples from simple chemical systems; Hellmann – Feynman theorem; Approximate build up of orbitals for atoms (Aufbau priniciple).
- Diatomic molecules – Valence bond theory and molecular orbital theory for homonuclear and heteronuclear systems; Resonance, dipole moments, ionic-covalent resonance energy; Electronegativity and electron affinity; Bond order and bond strengths.
- Polyatomic systems – Hybridization and directed valence orbitals; Pauli’s exclusion principle.
- Conjugated and aromatic systems – Huckel molecular orbital theory; Heterocycles and fractional bond order; Huckel rule.
- Orbital description of pericyclic reactions; Woodward- Hoffmann rules.
- An elementary introduction to self-consistent field method – The Hartree – Fock method.
- Group Theory
- molecular symmetry – symmetry elements and operations.
- Elementary group theory – definitions and examples – point groups, properties of groups, classification of point groups.
- Matrix representations for group elements – unitary and reducible representations – examples from molecular symmetry elements.
- The Great Orthogonality theorem without proof and results that can be derived from it – derivation of character tables.
- Direct products and direct sums of irreducible representations; Group theory and quantum mechanics: Wave functions and bases for irreducible representations; Direct product and non-zero matrix elements for operators.
- Symmetry – adapted linear combinations and projection operators;Applications in molecular orbital theory and Huckel method; Selection rules- molecular models for inorganic and organometallic compounds.
- Molecular vibrations: Normal modes - symmetry types of normal modes; Force constant matrix and vibrational selection rules.
- full three dimensional rotation group and permutation – inversion group.