The exhaustive list of topics in Computer Graphicss in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Computer Graphics
- Computer Graphics Application and Software
- Description of Some Graphics Devices
- Input Devices for Operator Interaction
- Active and Passive Graphics Devices
- Display Technologies
- Storage Tube Graphics Displays
- Calligraphic Refresh Graphics Displays
- Raster Refresh (Raster-Scan) Graphics Displays
- Cathode Ray Tube
- Color CRT Raster Scan
- Video
- The Video Controller
- Random-Scan Display Processor
- LCD displays
- Transformations and Matrices
- Transformation Conventions
- 2D Transformations
- Homogeneous Coordinates and Matrix Representation of 2D Transformations
- Translations and Homogeneous Coordinates
- Rotation
- Reflection
- Scaling
- Combined Transformation
- Transformation of Points
- Transformation of The Unit Square
- Solid Body Transformations
- Rotation About an Arbitrary Point
- Reflection through an Arbitrary Line
- A Geometric Interpretation of Homogeneous Coordinates
- The Window-to-Viewport Transformations
- Three-Dimensional Scaling
- Three-Dimensional Shearing
- Three-Dimensional Rotation
- Three-Dimensional Reflection
- Three-Dimensional Translation
- Multiple Transformation
- Rotation about an Arbitrary Axis in Space
- Reflection through an Arbitrary Plane
- Matrix Representation of 3D Transformations
- Composition of 3D Transformations
- Affine and Perspective Geometry
- Perspective Transformations
- Techniques for Generating Perspective Views
- Vanishing Points
- The Perspective Geometry and Camera Models
- Orthographic Projections
- Axonometric Projections
- Oblique Projections
- View volumes for Projections
- Stages in 3D viewing
- Canonical View Volume (CVV)
- Specifying an Arbitrary 3D View
- Examples of 3D Viewing
- The Mathematics of Planar Geometric Projections
- Combined Transformation matrices for Projections and Viewing
- Coordinate Systems and Matrices
- Camera Model
- Viewing Pyramid
- Representing Solids
- Regularized Boolean Set Operations
- Primitive Instancing
- Sweep Representations
- Spatial-Partitioning Representations - Octree representation
- B-Reps
- Constructive Solid Geometry
- Comparison of Representations
- Techniques for efficient Visible-Surface Algorithms
- Categories of algorithms
- Back face removal
- The z-Buffer Algorithm
- Scan-line method
- Painter’s algorithms (depth sorting)
- Area sub-division method
- BSP trees
- Visible-Surface Ray Tracing
- Comparison of the methods
- Illumination and Shading Models for Polygons
- Reflectance properties of surfaces
- Ambient
- Specular and Diffuse reflections
- Atmospheric attenutation
- Phong’s model
- Gouraud shading
- Curve Representation
- Nonparametric Curves
- Parametric Curves
- Parametric Representation of a Circle
- Parametric Representation of an Ellipse
- Parametric Representation of a Parabola
- Parametric Representation of a Hyperbola
- A Procedure for using Conic Sections
- The General Conic Equation
- Representation of Space Curves
- Cubic Splines
- Bezier Curves
- B-spline Curves
- B-spline Curve Fit
- B-spline Curve Subdivision
- Parametric Cubic Curves
- Quadric Surfaces
- Bezier Surfaces
- OpenGL
- Features in OpenGL
- OpenGL operations.
- Abstractions in OpenGL – GL
- 3D viewing pipeline
- Viewing Matrix Specifications
- Demos of OpenGL programs
- Realism
- Aliasing and Antialiasing
- Texture Bump Mapping
- Animation Methods
- Methods of Controlling Animation
- Soft Modeling of Objects
- Image Based Rendering
- Difficulties
- An Image-Digital image file formats
- Image compression standard – JPEG
- Image Processing - Digital image enhancement
- Contrast stretching
- Histogram Equalization
- Smoothing and median Filtering
- Two-Dimensional Transformations
- Three-Dimensional Transformations
- Viewing in 3D
Scan conversion – lines, circles and Ellipses; Filling polygons and clipping algorithms
- Scan Converting Lines
- Mid-point criteria
- Problems of Aliasing
- End-point ordering and clipping lines
- Scan Converting Circles
- Scan Converting Ellipses
- Filling Polygons
- Edge data structure
- Clipping Lines algorithms– Cyrus-Beck
- Cohen-Sutherland and Liang-Barsky
- Clipping Polygons
- Problem with multiple components
- Solid Modeling
- Visible-Surface Determination
- Illumination and Shading
- Plane Curves and Surfaces
- Graphics Programming using OPENGL
- Miscellaneous Topics
- Image Manipulation and Storage