The exhaustive list of topics in Condensed Matter Physics in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Free electron model
- Phonons: thermal properties
- Phonons: dynamical properties
- Point groups, periodicity, Bloch theorem
- Band structure: metals, insulators
- Tight binding models
- Integer quantum Hall effect
- Fractional QHE
- Fluctuation-dissipation theorem
- Linear response, Kubo formula
- Electron gas: Hartree-Fock and RPA
- Hubbard model: basic features
- Local moment magnetism
- Origin of exchange
- Spin waves
- Magnetic neutron scattering
- Band magnetism and Stoner theory
- Spin density waves
- Electron-phonon coupling and electron scattering
- Attractive interaction
- Phenomenology: Meissner effect, London equation
- Cooper Instability and BCS wavefunction
- Bogoliubov quasiparticles
- Ginzburg-Landau theory
- Josephson effect
- Bosons: superfluidity
- Impurity scattering
- Localization
- Mott variable range hopping
- Spin glasses
- Local moment in metals
- Anderson model and Kondo problem
- Variational ground state, high temperature phase
- Crossover and electron spectral function
- Mott transition, doped Mott insulators
- Anderson lattice: heavy fermions