The exhaustive list of topics in Database Design in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Databases and Information Systems
- An example usage context
- Database system concepts and architecture
- Semantic Database Design Homework Help
- High-level conceptual modeling
- ER Modeling concepts
- ER Diagrams
- Cardinality constraints
- Higher-order relationships
- Enhanced ER Model (EER)
- Weak-entity types
- Subclasses and inheritance
- Specialization and Generalization
- Modeling of UNION types using categories
- Relational Model
- Languages and Systems
- Relational algebra Homework help
- Relational model concepts
- Relational integrity constraints
- Update operations on relations
- Relational algebra model
- ER to relational mapping
- SQL Homework Help
- Data definition in SQL
- Queries and update statements
- Views
- Integrity constraints
- Specifying indexes
- Embedded SQL
- IBM DB2 case study Homework Help
- Architecture of DB2
- Data definition and manipulation in DB2
- EER to Relational mapping
- Database design using the relational model
- Functional dependencies Homework Help
- Keys in a relational model
- Concept of functional dependencies
- Normal forms based on primary keys
- Boyce-Codd Normal Forms
- Further Dependencies Homework Help
- Multi-values dependencies and fourth normal form
- Join dependencies and fifth normal form
- Inclusion dependencies
- Other dependencies and normal forms
- Storage and Indexing Structures
- Storage structures Homework Help
- Secondary storage devices
- Buffering of blocks
- File Organization
- Heaps
- Sorted Files
- Hashing and overflow handling techniques
- Dynamic hashing
- Extensible hashing
- Other file organizations
- Indexing methods Homework Help
- Basic terminology
- Primary indexes
- Clustering index
- Secondary index
- Multilevel indexes
- B-trees
- B+ trees
- Inserting and searching algorithms for B+ trees
- Other indexing methods
- Transaction Processing and Concurrency Control
- Transaction Fundamentals Homework Help
- OLTP environments
- Concurrency issues
- Need for transactions
- ACID properties
- Transaction states
- Serializability
- Serial schedules
- Conflict serializability
- View serializability
- Recoverable and non-recoverable schedules
- Cascading rollbacks
- Cascadeless schedules
- Concurrency control Homework Help
- Serialized and non-serialized schedules
- Testing for serializability
- Locking
- Lock compatibility matrix
- Locking and serializability
- Deadlocks and starvation
- Two-phase locking (2PL) protocol
- Conservative, strict and rigorous 2PL
- 2PL with lock conversions
- Timestamp-ordering based protocol
- Multi-versioning protocol
- Multi-granularity locking
- Deadlock prevention protocols
- Wait-die and wound-wait schemes
- Time-out based schemes
- Deadlock recovery
- Nested transactions
- Database recovery techniques
- Recovery concepts
- Deferred updates technique
- Immediate update technique
- Shadow paging
- ARIES recovery algorithm
- Query Processing and Optimization
- Translating SQL into relational algebra
- Basic query operations
- Heuristics in query optimization
- Selectivity and cost estimates in query optimization
- Semantic query optimization
- Database Security and Authorization
- Discretionary access control
- Mandatory access control and multi-level security
- Statistical database security
- Enhanced Data Models for specific applications
- Active database concepts
- Temporal databases
- Spatial databases
- Multi-media databases
- Distributed databases and issues
- Data fragmentation
- Replication and allocation in distributed databases
- Types of distributed database systems
- Query processing in distributed databases
- Concurrency control and recovery in distributed databases