The exhaustive list of topics in Digital Communication in which we provide Help with Homework Assignments and Help with Projects is as follows:
- Digital Communications and Information Theory:
- Digital Communications.
- Signals and Sampling Theory.
- Information Theoretic Approach to Digital Communications.
- Coding for Discrete Sources.
- Random Processes:
- Random Variables.
- Distributions.
- Stochastic Processes.
- Statistical Signal Processing.
- Quantization and Coding:
- Quantization and Preprocessing.
- Pulse Code Modulation (PCM).
- Logarithmic Pulse Code Modulation (Log PCM) and Companding.
- Delta Modulation.
- Signal Representation and Baseband Processing:
- Orthogonality.
- Linear System to Random Processes.
- Detection and Correlation Receiver Structure.
- Matched Filter.
- Nyquist Filtering and Inter Symbol Interference.
- Carrier Modulation:
- Carrier Modulation.
- Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK) and Frequency Shift Keying (FSK)Modulations.
- Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) Modulation.
- Quaternary Phase Shift Keying QPSK) and M-ary PSK Modulations.
- Differential Encoding and Decoding.
- Performance of BPSK and QPSK in AWGN channel.
- Performance of binary FSK and M-ary PSK in AWGN channel.