The exhaustive list of topics in Discrete Structures in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Mathematical reasoning
- Propositions
- Negation disjunction and conjuction
- Implication and equivalence
- Truth tables
- Predicates
- Quantifiers
- Natural deduction
- Rules of Inference
- Methods of proofs
- Use in program proving
- Resolution principle
- Application to PROLOG
- Set theory
- Paradoxes in set theory
- Inductive definition of sets and proof by induction
- Peono postulates
- Relations
- Representation of relations by graphs
- Properties of relations
- Equivalence relations and partitions
- Partial orderings
- Posets
- Linear and well-ordered sets
- Graph Theory
- Elements of graph theory
- Euler graph
- Hamiltonian path
- Trees
- Tree traversals
- Spanning trees
- Functions
- Mappings
- Injection and surjections
- Composition of functions
- Inverse functions
- Special functions
- Peono postulates
- Pigeonhole principle
- Recursive function theory
- Definition and elementary properties of groups
- Semigroups
- Monoids
- Rings
- Fields
- Vector
- spaces and lattices
- Elementary combinatorics
- counting techniques
- Recurrence relation
- Generating functions