The exhaustive list of topics in Dynamic Optimization & Economic Applications (Recursive Methods) in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Repeated Games and Dynamic Contracts
- Preliminaries; Euler Equations and Transversality Conditions; Principle of Optimality
- Bounded Returns; Differentiability of Value Function; Homogenous and Unbounded Returns; Applications
- Deterministic Global and Local Dynamics
- Stochastic Dynamic Programming; Applications; Markov Chains
- Weak Convergence; Applications
- Continuous-Time Dynamic Programming and Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman PDE Equations
- Stochastic matching mechanisms
- One-sided matching: house allocation and market problems
- Motivations
- Basic mechanism design and auction theory
- Mechanism design and auction theory
- Two-sided matching: stability, many-to-one vs. one-to-one, and small cores in large markets
- Bargaining with Complete Information
- Two-sided Asymmetric Information
- Bargaining with Incomplete Information
- Bargaining with Incomplete Information
- Stochastic matching mechanisms
- Theory
- Bargaining with Heterogeneous Beliefs
- Higher-order Uncertainty
- Unawareness