The exhaustive list of topics in Elementary Particle Physics in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Elementary Particles, Particle Zoo and Four Interactions.
- Natural Units and relativity: four vector formalism.
- Klein-Gordon equation, Dirac equation and solutions.
- Lorentz covariance, C, P and T properties, bilinear covariants.
- Classical Field theory, Klein-Gordon and Dirac Lagrangian density.
- Gauge theory, Noether's theorem.
- Canonical quantization of free scalar, spinor vector fields.
- QED, Dyson formalism, S matrix and Feynman rules.
- QED processes: Mott scattering, Compton effect, etc.
- Yukawa theory: pion exchange potential and pion discovery.
- Fermi Theory of beta decay, Gamow-Teller correction.
- groups, Lie groups, SU(3) and the eightfold way.
- Quark model, notion of colour.
- Parity violation. muon and pion decay.
- Non-Abelian gauge theories: SU(2) and SU(3) gauge theories.
- Spontaneous symmetry-breaking and gauge theory.
- Construction of electroweak model with one generation.
- Multiple generations, CKM matrix and CP violation.
- Flavour oscillations of mesons and neutrinos.
- Deep inelastic scattering: form factors, scaling and parton model.