The exhaustive list of topics in Engineering Geology in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Geologic Mapping and Remote Sensing:
- Topographic maps
- Geologic maps
- Preparation of geologic sections
- Aerial photographs
- GIS.
- Mineralogy :
- Chemical analysis of rocks and minerals
- Rock and soil minerals
- Physical properties of minerals
- Susceptibility of minerals to alteration
- Basics of optical mineralogy
- XRD .
- Classification of Soil and Rock:
- Types of rock and origin: Igneous (extrusive and intrusive)
- Sedimentary and metamorphic
- Ternary diagrams
- Definitions (structure, texture).
- Igneous Rock :
- Agents
- Structure
- Texture
- IUGG classification of intrusive and extrusive rocks
- Metamorphic Rock:
- Causes of metamorphism (stress, temperature, tectonism, pore fluid)
- Recrystallization
- Phase change
- Structure and texture.
- Sedimentary Rock :
- Sedimentation environments
- Structure
- Textural classification of siliclastic and carbonate rock
- Soil Formation:
- Weathering processes
- Transportation and sedimentation processes
- Structure
- Texture and classification
- Surficial deposits and landforms
- Subsurface exploration:
- Intrusive and non intrusive sub-surface investigation
- Drilling and sampling
- Geophysical methods
- Geologic investigations for site selection of dams
- Reservoirs
- Tunnels
- Bridges and highways.
- Engineering Properties of Soil and Rock:
- Engineering properties (density, unit weight, porosity)
- Strength
- Index measurements for soil and rock (SPT blow count, RQD, RMR, Point Load Index)
- Relationships of index measurements with strength of soil and rock.
- Strength Behavior of Soil and Rock:
- Stress and strain in rock
- Mohr’s Circle
- Concept of effective stress
- Failure of soil and rock
- Fracturing of rock
- Folds
- Faults and joints in rock
- Shear failure of soil and rock
- Consequences of failure (landslides, earthquakes, subsidence) .
- Subsurface water:
- Sources
- Aquifer
- Aquiclude
- Water table
- Artesian groundwater in soil and rock
- Springs
- Hydraulic conductivity and its measurement
- Darcy’s law
- Well hydraulics
- Well yield
- Water capacity of rock
- Lowering of water table and subsidence
- Salt water intrusion in coastal areas .
- Geologic and seismotectonic setting of India:
- Geologic provinces of India and their surficial and subsurface geology
- Seismotectonics of the Indian plate
- Seismic zones of India.
- Geological Hazards:
- Major geological hazards Geological considerations in design of constructed facilities and infrastructure
- Causes and classification of landslides
- Stability assessment for soil and rock slopes
- Mitigation of landslide hazard
- Effect of earthquakes on constructed facilities and infrastructure
- Geotechnical and structural considerations in mitigation of earthquake hazard.