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Error-correcting codes assignment help to guarantee you the best grades

Are you looking for pocket-friendly error-correcting codes assignment help? We offer high-quality error-correcting codes homework help to students from all over the world on a 24/7 basis. Hire our online error-correcting codes assignment help tutors and receive top-notch solutions within the agreed-upon deadline. When you hire our services, we ensure that we get the most competent tutor in terms of education and experience to handle your homework. Hire us and stand to benefit from our huge student discounts and easy-to-use customer support system.
The exhaustive list of topics in Error Correcting Codes in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:

  • Error Correcting Codes.
  • Binary block codes for the binary symmetric channel; Mathematical preliminaries: groups, subgroups and cosets.
  • Linear block codes; Bounds on the size of a block code; Bounded and maximum-likelihood decoding of binary block codes; standard array decoding.
  • Convolutional codes; the Viterbi decoding algorithm.
  • The generalized distributive law (GDL).
  • The GDL perspective on the Viterbi and BCJR decoding algorithms; Turbo codes.
  • LDPC codes.
  • Fields; Polynomials rings; construction of finite fields.
  • Deducing the structure of a finite field; Subfields and cyclotomic cosets.
  • The finite field (Fourier) transform; cyclic codes via finite field transforms.
  • BCH and Reed-Solomon codes; decoding of BCH and RS codes.