- NMR Phenomenon
- Bloch Equations
- Relaxation Mechanisms
- Proton Relaxation
- Spin Echos
- Ernst Angle
- Chemical Shifts
- J-coupling
- Pulse Sequences
- Image Encoding
- Fourier Transforms
- Image Resolution
- k-space Formalism
- Nyquist Rate
- MR Image Reconstruction
- Gradient and RF Waveforms
- Errors in Imaging (Ghosting)
- MRI Hardware
- Additional Pulse Sequences
- Chemical Shift Imaging and Flow Imaging Techniques
- 2-D and 3-D CSI
- Time of Flight and Phase Contrast Flow Imaging
- Diffusion-weighted MR Techniques
- Parallel Imaging
- MR Encoding Matrix Formalism
- Multiple Coil Formalism
- Molecular Imaging Techniques
- Advanced Image Reconstruction