The exhaustive list of topics in Mental Measurement in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Measurement: Nature of Psychological measurement Basic assumptions of test theory-obtained scores, true scores and error component.
- Test construction: Steps involved in test construction: Statistical techniques used in item analysis, Standardization and norms.
- Reliability of measures: Nature and Methods, Statistical criteria for parallel tests; effects of tests length and group heterogeneity on reliability of speed tests.
- Validity of tests: Nature and types, validating criteria relationship between reliability and validity, cross validity.
- Psychological tests: Characteristics, classification and applications of tests, speed versus power tests.
- Tests of general mental ability, Standford-Binet, WAIS, achievement and aptitude tests, DAT, differential testing of abilities.
- Measurement of attitudes and interests, scaling techniques.
- Basic statistics: Special correlation, partial and multiple correlations, procedure and application, factor analysis.
- Issues in Psychology Testing and measurement.