The exhaustive list of topics in Microeconomic Theory in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Modeling strategic interaction
- Nash Equilibrium
- Mixed strategies
- Existence theorems, other properties
- Extensive form games
- Subgame perfection
- Examples, repeated games
- Types, Bayesian equilibrium, examples
- PBE concept, signalling, reputation
- Refinements
Part I: Decision theory
- Choice theory
- Attitudes towards risk
- Attitudes towards risk: applications, stochastic dominance
- Critiques of expected utility theory
- Decision making under risk
- Decision making under uncertainty
Part II: Game theory
- Rationalizability
- Reputation formation
- Collusion under imperfect price information
- Correlated and sequential equilibria
- Existence and Optimality of General Equilibrium
- Core and Convergence Theorem
- Arrow's Impossibility Theorem
- Externalities and Public Goods
- Intertemporal Competitive Equilibrium
- Uncertainty with Complete Markets
- Incomplete Markets