The exhaustive list of topics in Modern Physics in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Dual nature of light, YDSE at low intensity
- Measurement on Quantum Systems
- Wave function of material particles, Born interpretation, Delta function and plane wave functions, wave packets
- Heisenberg uncertainty principle
- Operators and physical quantities, Operator mathematics
- Eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and measurement
- Schrodinger Equation
- Energy time uncertainty
- Motion of wave packet
- Probability current
- Boundary conditions on wave functions, Energy levels and energy eigen functions in Deep square well potential
- 2-D box potential, density of states for 1-D and 2-d box potential
- Finite square well potential
- Quantum well, heterojunction
- Linear harmonic oscillator
- Step potential, Potential barrier
- Field emission, STM
- Angular Momentum, Spin
- 3-D problems, central potential
- Hydrogen atom wave functions
- Maxwell Bolzmann statistics
- Dilute gas, Molar heat capacity
- Quantum Statistics, a gas of non interacting
- Blackbody Radiation
- Bose Einstein condensation
- Band Theory of Solids
- p-n junctions and heterosturcture
- Lasers, Maser