The exhaustive list of topics in Natural Language Processing in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Sound Homework Help
- Biology of Speech Processing
- Place and Manner of Articulation
- Word Boundary Detection
- Argmax based computations
- HMM and Speech Recognition
- Morphology fundamentals
- Morphological Diversity of Indian Languages
- Morphology Paradigms
- Finite State Machine Based Morphology
- Automatic Morphology Learning
- Shallow Parsing
- Named Entities
- Maximum Entropy Models
- Random Fields
- Theories of Parsing
- Parsing Algorithms
- Robust and Scalable Parsing on Noisy Text as in Web documents
- Hybrid of Rule Based and Probabilistic Parsing
- Scope Ambiguity and Attachment Ambiguity resolution
- Lexical Knowledge Networks
- Wordnet Theory
- Indian Language Wordnets and Multilingual Dictionaries
- Semantic Roles
- Word Sense Disambiguation
- WSD and Multilinguality
- Metaphors
- Coreferences
- Sentiment Analysis
- Text Entailment
- Robust and Scalable Machine Translation
- Question Answering in Multilingual Setting
- Cross Lingual Information Retrieval (CLIR)
- Words and Word Forms Homework Help
- Structures
- Meaning
- Web 2.0 Applications