- Foundation and Cocoa Frameworks.
- conditional and looping statements.
- screen navigation with Tab Bar, Table Views, and Storyboards.
- Foundation classes for data manipulation and their use in Objective-C programming.
- build a basic user interface using the Cocoa framework
- objects and methods.
- primitive and reference variables.
- Objective-C code to display and interact with user interfaces.
- Xcode to develop Objective-C programs.
- write and call a function.
- basics of the Objective-C language.
- underlying programming language for building iPhone and iPad applications.
- page-based applications.
- Interface Builder to construct user interfaces.
- important classes in the Foundation framework.
- memory management model for Objective-C and options for the developer.
- object-oriented features of Objective-C.
- arithmetic operators.
- databases with iPhone and iPad applications.