The exhaustive list of topics in Physics of Nanoparticles and Nanostructures in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Absorption and scattering of EM waves from Nanoparticles based on bulk properties: Brush up : Maxwell's equations, constitutive relations, propagation of homogeneous plane waves, Kramer Kronig relations, sum rules.
- Reflection and Transmission through slab, Absorbance, Ripple structures, analogy between slab and a particle.
- Single and multiple oscillator models for bulk dielectric function of insulators, semiconductors with electronic and vibrational contributions, metals, polar and glassy materials, magnetic materials.
- Polarization of EM waves and Stokes parameters, Mueller matrices.
- Absorption and scattering by a particle: boundary conditions, amplitude and phase scattering matrices, Stokes parameters of scattered waves. Extinction, scattering and absorption cross section for a single particle and slab of particles.
- Mie theory for Scattering and absorption by a sphere, field patterns and normal modes, extinction and scattering cross sections.
- Small particles, size parameter, quasi-static approach to polarizability of uncoated and multiply coated ellipsoidal particles, surface modes for various materials, scattering cross sections. Maxwell-Garnett theory for collection of particles, size distribution effect.
- Applications: Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) from small particles. Dielectrophores is of small particles.
- Electronic Phenomena in Nanostructures: Brush up: Electronic structures and effective mass theory for bulk Si, Ge, GaAs; Excitons. Boltzmann electron transport in bulk.
- Electron energy states in quantum confined systems, semiconductor heterojunctions, 2-DEG systems, Quantum Wires, Quantum dots.
- Transmision in nanostructures: Tunneling in planar barrier, Resonant Tunnel diodes.
- Ballistic transport, Landauer formula, electron transport in Quantum wave-guide structures.
- Single electron phenomena: electronic states in quantum dots, without and with magnetic fields, single electron tunneling and Coulomb blockade, single electron transistor.