The exhaustive list of topics in Protein Folding Problem in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment is as follows:
- Side-chain
- Sulfur redox chemistry
- The Anfinsen
- Globular protein structure
- Protein interiors
- Protein Database (PDB)
- Helix-helix packing in globular proteins
- Beta-sheets
- Beta-sheet packing
- Thermal denaturation
- Coiled coils
- Refolding of Tropomyosin
- Fluorescence spectroscopy
- S-peptide helical folding
- Detecting partially folded intermediates
- Prolyl isomerization
- Cytochrome c refolding pathway
- 2-D NMR techniques
- Collagen structure and folding in vivo
- Procollagen folding in vitro
- Protein calorimetry
- Protein misfolding and aggregation
- Ribosome channel
- Nascent chains
- Trigger factor
- Chaperonin assisted folding
- Eukariotic chaperonins
- Membrane protein (rhodopsin) folding and assembly
- Prion diseases