The exhaustive list of topics in Statistical Physics in Biology in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment is as follows:
- Central Dogma
- Probability and Information
- Molecular Evolution
- Mutations
- Gene Duplications
- Divergent/Convergent
- Polymorphism
- Phylogenetic Trees
- Mutations
- Drift
- Selection
- Fixation
- Scoring Similarities
- BLAST and Database Searches
- Substitution Matrices
- Markov Texts
- PAM Matrices
- Dynamic Programming and Transfer Matrices
- Dynamic Programming Algorithms for Optimal Alignments
- Sequence Alignment and Statistical Physics
- Extreme Value (Gumbel Distribution)
- Biomolecular Forces and Energies
- Electrostatics
- Macro-ions
- Counter-ions
- pH and pOH
- Poisson-Boltzmann Equation
- Debye Equation
- Polymer Theory
- Entropy and Markov Chains
- Attractions
- Repulsions
- Flory Theory
- Loop Entropies
- Proteins
- The Random Energy Model
- Protein Folding and Design
- Protein Folding
- Nucleic Acids
- Fluctuating DNA
- DNA Melting
- The Poland-Scheraga Model
- Unzipping
- Translocation
- Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
- mRNA (messemnger RNA)
- tRNA (archaically referred to as sRNA abbreviating soluble RNA)
- Ribosomal RNA
- Secondary and Tertiary Structure
- Secondary Structures without Pseudo-knots
- Protein-DNA Complexes
- DNA Regulatory Elements
- Borg-von Hippe
- Weight Matrices (Profiles)
- Histones, Heterochromatin
- Hemoglobin
- Molecular Evolution
- Polymorphisms
- Folding and Fibrillation
- Protein Function
- Physics of Allosteric Regulation
- Microtubules and Filaments
- Microtubule Growth and Dynamic Instability
- Molecular Motors
- Ratchets
- Asymmetric Hopping Models
- Motor-Microtubule Assemblies and Patterns
- Membranes
- Pumps
- Cell Motility
- Brownian Motion
- Chemotaxis
- Biased Random Walks
- Random Networks
- Scale Free Networks
- Percolation
- Dynamics on Networks
- Fixed points
- Hopfield Model of Neural Networks
- Synchronization
- Chemical Interactions and Flux Balance Equations
- Deterministic and Stochastic Analysis in Networks
- Biological Patterns
- Morphogenesis
- Turing Model
- Cellular and Tissue Biomechanics
- Length
- Time and Forces in Biology
- Molecular Forces
- Charges
- Dipole
- Van der Waals
- Hydrogen Bonding
- Mechano-Chemistry
- Linear Elasticity
- Linear Elasticity
- Stress
- Strain vs. Strain-rate
- Hooke's Law
- Moduli
- Composition and Structure of the Extracellular Matrix (ECM)
- Collagens
- Proteoglycans
- Elastin - Cellular Synthesis and Secretion of ECM
- Macromolecules - Cell-mediated Assembly of ECM
- Pushing and Pulling on Molecules
- Viscoelastic (Time-Dependent)
- Time-dependent Viscoelastic
- Poroelastic (Time-Dependent)
- Electromechanical and Physicochemical
- Tissue Swelling and Donnan Osmotic Swelling Pressure
- Muscle Constriction From the Molecular to Macro Scale
- Biomembranes
- The Cytoskeleton
- Cell Peeking and Poking
- Cell Adhesion and Aggregation
- Cell Migration and Mechanotransduction