- Visual Basic
- Visual Basic 2008 programming.
- Database support to your application
- Status bars and toolbars with the Windows common controls.
- Intrinsic .NET data types.
- Data effortlessly using data binding features.
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
- Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).
- Applications using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
- Application with the native code compiler.
- Reuse templates.
- Interfaces using new container controls.
- Forms and menus.
- Workflow-enabled applications using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
- own objects.
- Distinguish between event-driven vs. procedural programming.
- Local type inference, object initializers, anonymous types, extension methods, lambda expression,
- LINQ, and other new features in Visual Basic 2008.
- Handle run-time errors.
- Visual Studio's data features
- Visual Studio's data features.
- Features for Windows applications
- Features for Windows applications.
- Language features, including LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
- Language features, including LINQ (Language Integrated Query).
- Windows Forms controls.
- ASP.NET features, such as support for LINQ (Language Integrated Query), CSS tools, and
Become familiar with the tracing features in Visual Studio that help you quickly troubleshoot issues.
- Building managed applications for Microsoft Office
- Windows Forms applications.
- Interactions between Visual Basic and the .NET Framework.
- Components of a Visual Basic application.
- Access data using ADO.NET.
- Data-bound applications.
- Simple GUI programs using Windows Forms.
- Features of Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Basic/C# 2010 to build ASP.NET Web pages.
- ASP.NET Profile features, ASP.NET Web Parts, and how to take advantage of creating your own user-defined control.
- Windows file system.
- Role of DataSets and DataTables in ADO.NET.
- Data in a Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server database by using Microsoft ADO.NET.
- Data by using ADO.NET.
- Data in a Visual Studio 2005 application.
- Consume properties and methods in your classes.
- Object-oriented programming techniques to create classes, add methods, and add properties.
- Authenticate users and limit their access to resources.
- Applications using Visual Studio .NET 2005.
- Applications using Visual Studio 2008.
- Windows Presentation Foundation applications.
- Build, package, and deploy an application.
- Catch, handle and throw exceptions.
- Compile, test, and deploy .NET Framework applications.
- VB classes inherit from base classes.
- Program execution by using conditional statements and loops.
- Visibility and lifetime of members in a type.
- Convert a variable from one data type to another in Visual Basic
- Visual Basic .NET based application based on the Windows Application template.
- Visual Basic .NET based Web Forms application that uses an XML Web Service.
- Windows Forms application.
- Call methods in a Visual Basic application.
- Consume classes and objects.
- Data types and variables.
- Delegates, and understand how they relate to events.
- New types (enumerations, classes, and structures), and understand the differences between
- Reference types and value types.
- Sub and Function procedures, including predefined functions.
- Variables and arrays.
- Variables, operators, and data types.
- Applications with Visual Studio 2005.
- Consistent web sites using Master Pages, add membership features and configure-deploy
ASP.NET applications.
- Console Application projects in Visual Studio .NET 2010.
- Generic classes and methods in Visual Basic
- MDI applications.
- Object-oriented applications.
- Web applications and XML Web services.
- Visual Basic classes containing arrays, adding support for indexers and enumerators.
- Custom collection classes in Visual Basic
- Decouple an operation from the method that implements an operation, and use these decoupled
- Handle asynchronous events.
- Define properties and indexers to encapsulate data, and define operators for this data.
- Distributed applications, and create distributed applications with Windows Communication
- .NET Framework.
- Key features of the .NET Framework and Visual Studio 2005.
- Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# language and syntax features.
- User interface in a Visual Studio 2005 application.
- Learn to direct users using Site Navigation tools, debug .NET, and to display/edit data
using ASP.NET and ADO.NET.
- Interface by adding menus, status bars, and toolbars.
- Programming fundamentals.
- Security in the .NET Framework.
- Fundamentals of object-oriented programming.
- Learn to explain the key features of the .NET Framework version 3.0 technologies.
- .NET Framework.
- .NET Framework.
- Visual Basic classes using the Class Designer and Object Test Bench tools.
- Exceptions in Visual Basic .NET.
- Exceptions in your code.
- Custom collection classes that support enumeration.
- Debugging and exception handling in a Visual Studio 2005 application.
- Decision structures and loops by using conditional expressions.
- Integrate code written by using a dynamic language such as Ruby and Python, or technologies such as COM, into a Visual Basic application.
- .NET Framework's support for collection classes.
- Flow control within your code, branching and looping as needed.
- flow control within your code.
- Lifetime of objects and control the use of resources.
- Monitor .NET Framework applications by using instrumentation.
- Perform basic file IO operations in a Visual Basic application.
- Query in-memory data by using LINQ.
- Repeat blocks of code using looping statements.
- Resolve syntax, run-time, and logic errors by using the debugger and structured exception handling.
- Set and change dates and times in Visual Basic
- Store, retrieve, and manipulate multiple values using arrays.
- Test and deploy Microsoft .NET Framework applications.
- .NET's object-oriented features, such as
- Overloading, inheritance and interfaces.
- Advanced object-oriented programming features.
- Anonymous types, lambda expressions, extension methods, object initializers, and implicit type declarations.
- Collections to aggregate data, and use Generics to implement type-safe collection classes, structures, interfaces, and methods.
- Delegate types to provide flexibility and type safety.
- Essential object-oriented programming features.
- Exception objects to determine what error has occurred.
- Forms and controls to create a user interface.
- Inheritance to create new reference types.
- Methods in your Visual Basic classes.
- .NET Framework's support for collection classes.
- Input for fields, controls, and forms.
- Input on a Windows form.
- .NET 2.0's generics.
.NET generics. - .NET's object-oriented features, such as overloading, inheritance and interfaces.
- Data with ActiveX Data Objects (ADO).
- Form and control properties.
- Manipulate items in collections.
- Master Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) control structures.
- Programs for size and speed.
- Error handling using Exception objects.
- Trap Windows Forms events.
- Syntax of basic Visual Basic programming constructs.
- ActiveX controls.
- Debugging features.
- Windows API.