The exhaustive list of topics in Water Resources Systems Planning And Management in which we provide Help with Homework Assignment and Help with Project is as follows:
- Water resources Management:
- System Components
- Planning and management.
- Concept of a system
- Advantages and limitations of systems approach
- Modeling of Water Resources Systems.
- Simulation and optimization
- Economics in water resources
- Challenges in water sector.
- Optimization:
- Objective function
- Maxima
- Minima and saddle points
- Convex and concave functions.
- Constrained and unconstrained optimization using calculus.
- Lagrange multipliers
- Kuhn-Tucker conditions.
- Linear Programming and Applications:
- General form of LP
- Standard and Canonical forms of LP
- Elementary transformations.
- Graphical method
- Feasible and infeasible solutions.
- Simplex method
- Dual and sensitivity analysis.
- LP problem formulation
- Reservoir sizing and Reservoir operation using LP.
- Dynamic Programming and Applications:
- Water allocation problem.
- Capacity expansion problem
- Reservoir operation
- Multipurpose reservoir operation.
- Multi-objective Optimization:
- Non-inferior solutions
- Trade-off analysis
- Pareto optimal solutions.
- Multipurpose reservoir operation.
- Weighted and constraint methods
- Other methods..
- Stochastic Optimization:
- Probability .
- Uncertainty and reliability analysis.
- Chance constrained LP (CCLP)
- CCLP for reservoir operation.
- Stochastic DP with applications to reservoir operation.
- Simulation:
- River basin simulation.
- Reservoir operation simulation.
- Performance evaluation - Reliability
- Resiliency and Vulnerability
- Some simulation models.
- Water Resources Systems Modeling:
- River basin planning and management.
- Water distribution systems.
- Groundwater systems.
- Water quality modeling
- Floodplain management.
- Urban storm water management.